Make a difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities!

The Arc of Harris County, is a 501c3 nonprofit, organized in 1984 as an affiliated chapter of The Arc of Texas and The Arc of the United States (The Arc). The Arc was formed in 1950 as a grassroots movement of parents and like-minded friends, interested in improving the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (e.g., Autism, Down syndrome) largely in response to the words: “nothing can be done for your child.”
The Arc of Harris County promotes community awareness, creates opportunities for inclusion, and provides a broad array of support and resource services. We are the preeminent educational advocacy resource and social and recreational service for the Houston region. Our existing programs and services are important building blocks to continue to have maximum impact on the individuals we serve and their caregivers however, we also reach beyond our current programs and markets to address opportunities and demand within the IDD and autism communities. We have a strong “Arc” with an eye on continued healthy and strategic growth.